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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program just for families of Living Lord Lutheran Church?
Living Lord's Preschool is offered as a service to the community through the outreach ministry of Living Lord.  Approximately 15% of the student body are disciples of Living Lord.  The preschool serves families from O'Fallon, Lake St. Louis, Wentzville and Foristell.

What do you mean by an "interactive learning environment"?
Our preschool classrooms and daily lesson plans have been designed to allow each child to engage in a wide variety of experiences throughout the day.  As they pursue their choices about what materials and activities to explore within an "open framework" established by the teacher, they ask and answer questions, investigate, make predictions, solve problems, and interact with both peers and adults while doing so.

How is the day organized in the preschool?
Our teachers are able to give the students a sense of control over the events of the morning by planning a consistent routine that enables children to anticipate what happens next.  The daily routine includes a balance between whole group, small group, and individual activities, teacher-directed and student choice activities, snack time, and large gross motor activity.

How does the preschool help children grow in faith?
Living Lord Preschool is considered an outreach ministry of the congregation and makes no discrimination in admissions on the basis of race, sex, color, or national origin.  It is a non-denominational ministry but acknowledges its responsibility to provide each child with a Christian environment which models and teaches strong moral and spiritual values.
Several table prayers are taught and grace is said before eating snack.  Chapel is held once a week for the children in our 4 and 5 year old program where "praise" songs are learned and a message is shared by the director.  Children in turn respond to the gospel message of grace and grow in faith as they find acceptance, learn trust and forgiveness and explore the wonders of God's world.

Does the preschool program teach math and reading skills?
Yes, through age and developmentally appropriate practices.  The teachers provide experiences and materials that help children develop the broad language and logical thinking abilities that are the foundation for later academic learning.
To encourage children's beginning reading and writing skills, our classrooms incorporate a print-rich environment and provide opportunities throughout the day for children to listen to stories, explore books and other print materials, and work with writing tools.
To promote math abilities, the teacher provides materials that enable children to use beginning skills in counting, comparing numbers, sorting and one-to-one correspondence.
Recognizing that each child is unique and important, we treat each child as an individual, working from the level each child has attained and moving forward a step at a time.

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